Friday 21 June 2024

Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1 - Marvel Comics

‘Spinning directly out of Issue Forty Nine of Amazing Spider-Man’, this mini-series’ opening instalment perhaps unsurprisingly solely focuses upon Peter Parker’s enthralling excursions “in the era of the vampires”, as opposed to the Wall-crawler’s usual crime-fighting exploits throughout the 'Grid' of the Big Apple. But whilst this comic’s scenario is significantly more blood-thirsty than Web-head’s usual adventures, courtesy of some genuinely gratuitous depictions of hapless New Yorkers being slaughtered like sheep at the hands of numerous Nosferatu, Justina Ireland still manages to imbue the titular character with plenty of his famous tongue-in-cheek wit and repartee to persistently lighten the narrative's mood; “That is a lot of fangs.”

Much of this humour is surprisingly generated by Steve Ditko’s co-creation teaming up with the highly unlikely duo of Misty Knight and the Lizard, who essentially recruit Spidey to supposedly help them rescue Colleen Wing and Doctor Michael Morbius from the clutches of Hemoglobin Incorporated. Perhaps understandably distrustful of his allies’ true motives, as well as realising the deadly gravity of their potentially suicidal mission, the colourfully costumed vigilante appears ever ready to diffuse even the deadliest of situations with either a well-timed quip or barbed comment at his companions’ oft-times suspicious behaviour.

Of course, the biggest draw of this twenty-one page periodical are the layouts crafted by Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi and Rachelle Rosenberg. Together, this creative team really help bring the insane world of “Blood Hunt” to life, whether it be depicting a seriously formidable-looking Lizard savagely squaring off against an already ticked-off Spider-Man, or the aforementioned poor inhabitants of New York City sadly succumbing to the sharp teeth of the undead in their droves. In fact, the sheer scale of this event’s “eternal night” is really driven home to the audience through this book’s top-notch artwork, with homes, hospitals, tube stations and even churches being viciously attacked.

Impressively though, this comic’s nine-page ‘secondary’ tale is just as good at keeping the reader thoroughly entertained, courtesy of Wing and Morbius desperately attempting to escape the evil clutches of Theocritus themselves. Essentially a well-paced sub-plot which shows the duo tensely exploring Hemoglobin’s headquarters in an effort to find a way out, the pair’s nervous verbal exchanges are easily as enthralling as the adrenalin-fuelled action that kicks off when they inadvertently walk into a room packed full of momentarily shocked vampires.

The regular cover art to "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT" #1 by Marcelo Ferreira & Rachelle Rosenberg

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