Saturday 21 September 2024

DC Vs. Vampires: World War V #2 - DC Comics

DC VS. VAMPIRES: WORLD WAR V No. 2, November 2024
Containing such an impressive variety of twists and turns that it might make even the most ardent of fairground ride fans somewhat queasy, Matthew Rosenberg’s script for Issue Two of “DC Vs Vampires: World War V” rather cleverly still makes this comic’s complicated narrative extremely accessible, courtesy of simply telling the story in sequence as events take place. In fact, with the exception of Mister Miracle’s all-too brief plot thread, each incident is arguably handled in its entirety before the reader is moved on to a new development somewhere else within this mad Elseworld.

Just as notable as this pulse-pounding pacing though is the intriguingly palpable presence of the planet’s truce between humanity’s survivors and the blood-drinkers who at one point appeared destined to conquer the Earth. This political nightmare, supported by the likes of Lois Lane and apparently despised by Black Canary, permeates almost every panel, and leaves the audience in absolutely no doubt that just one move by either side will probably result in another massive battle between the two sides; “Don’t take it personal. Some people only understand war.”

Easily this twenty-four page periodical’s highpoint however, has to be Wonder Woman’s rule-breaking incursion into a League Of Shadows safehouse, and the undead Amazonian’s utterly wicked skirmish with Talia al Ghul. The gloves really are off for this particular conflict due to the American author imbuing the dread Princess Diana of Themyscira with a truly disconcerting adoration of sickening violence. Such a dramatically different incarnation of William Marston’s co-creation is incredibly intriguing to see, as is the writer’s shock conclusion when Alfred Pennyworth desperately attempts to thwart the inhuman killer by donning the late Hal Jordon’s Green Lantern ring.

Adding plenty of visual plausibility to all these blood-curdling confrontations and divisive arguments are the pencils of Otto Schmidt and colours of Pierluigi Casolino. Together the two artists really manage to make this publication a feast for the eyes by somehow bringing the stark light of day to the streets of Dakota City, and freezing chill to the snow-covered roads criss-crossing Johnstown in Pennsylvania. Furthermore, it’s difficult to imagine a more terrifying yet seductive version of Wonder Woman patiently picking apart the Daughter of the Demon's Head or calmly enquiring with Bruce Wayne’s former butler just how he wants her to kill him.

The regular cover art of "DC VS. VAMPIRES: WORLD WAR V" #2 by Otto Schmidt

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