MIGHTY MORPHIN No. 2, December 2020 |
For those readers oblivious of the plot behind Boom Studios! sibling publication “Power Rangers”, or simply unaware as to the existence of characters Jason, Trini, Zack and Lord Drakkon, Ryan Parrott’s opening to Issue Two of “Mighty Morphin” may well have proved something of a disconcerting diversion. In fact, it arguably isn’t until the twenty-page periodical is a third of a way through that the writer finally starts penning a piece focusing upon this comic’s titular cast rather than depicting Zordon’s anger at his other super-powered protégés’ apparent betrayal and the floating head’s desire to “replace the emergency beacon with an outgoing message” demanding that the Omega Rangers “be taken into custody by any means necessary.”
Needless to say though, that doesn’t mean for a moment that the galactic wizard’s determination to apprehend his ‘off-screen’ misguided pupils and rid them of their phenomenal abilities doesn’t provide plenty of interest, especially when it affords Billy’s current team with an opportunity to show how personally conflicted the surprising situation has caused some of its members. But once this book’s narrative does settle back down to focusing upon Zedd’s latest attack at the Earth, as well as Bulk’s false belief that Rocky is muscling in on her brother’s romance with Candice, the storytelling becomes much more straightforward to follow for those less familiar with the long-running Super Sentai-based franchise; “Excuse me, Mister Putty! Have you met my Power Sword?!? Heee-Aayagh!”
Indeed, the subsequent battle at the college’s highly-anticipated musical festival with a seriously-formidable four-armed “psycho putty” is undeniably the highlight of this comic’s narrative, as the Mighty Morphin line-up eventually realise that they’ve inadvertently been lured into an all-too deadly trap with an entire army of Finster’s latest chaotic minions. Packed full of some genuine pulse-pounding panels pencilled by Italian artist Marco Renna, and featuring an appearance by the mysterious Green Ranger when things look dangerously bad for the main heroes, this action-sequence is so frantically-paced that its sense-shattering cliff-hanger showing the heroes about to be overwhelmed through the Putty Patrol’s sheer weight of numbers, arrives all-too soon despite the scene actually lasting an impressive seven-pages.
The regular cover art of "MIGHTY MORPHIN" No. 2 by Inhyuk Lee |
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