Monday 1 July 2024

Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt: #2 - Marvel Comics

Considering that Justina Ireland’s handling of Theocritus and his decidedly dodgy dealings running Hemoglobin Incorporated are arguably far more entertaining than Spider-Man’s seemingly endless excursion through the vampire-filled streets of New York City, it’s probably safe to assume that Issue Two of “Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt” didn’t land quite so well on the spinner-rack as perhaps its publisher had hoped. Indeed, so much of this mini-series’ rather intriguing exposition occurs within the walls of T.J.’s experimental laboratories that many a bibliophile doubtless found themselves a little frustrated whenever the spotlight shifts upon the titular character instead.

Much of this irritation is debatably due to Peter Parker’s somewhat tedious, self-indulgent doubts as to whether he should even be hurting the fanged-fiends stalking his not-so-friendly neighbourhood. The super-hero readily acknowledges that the massive undead horde will “hurt more people” the longer their battle goes on for. Yet still somehow manages to persuade the much less idealistic mercenary Misty Knight that the “ravenous throng” of killers shouldn’t be harmed; “I’ve been thinking about what you said… especially since I know these were innocent people.”

Furthermore, the action is suddenly brought to a surprising full-stop by its “New York Times Bestselling author” unconvincingly introducing the audience to Beyond Corporation’s former Chief Executive Officer - Maxine Danger. True, the capable young businesswoman’s presence is crucial to give Spider-Man a means of ‘defeating’ Theocritus, courtesy of a convenient computer virus which should “erase all of the networked data” and halt the vampiric company's chemical-based shenanigans. But considering just how deadly the Big Apple is supposed to currently be due to its undead invasion, it’s a little difficult to believe a non-powered entrepreneur, no matter how rich or influential, is able to successfully drive around the densely populated metropolis with just two bodyguards for protection.

Slightly more successful than its writing, is this comic’s artwork by Marcelo Ferreira and Chris Campana. This twenty-page periodical’s pencilling is very good at depicting the athletic prowess of Web-head as he somersaults around Central Park gluing down as many Nosferatu as his unblessed web fluid will allow. However, the attention to detail on the Lizard, especially the villain’s snout when sketched from any distance, is rather indistinct and lacking – leading to Doctor Curt Connor’s alter-ego actually seeming to be unfinished in some panels.

Writer: Justina Ireland, and Pencilers: Marcelo Ferreira & Chris Campana

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