Thursday 4 July 2024

Union Jack The Ripper: Blood Hunt: #2 - Marvel Comics

Whilst on the face of it Cavan Scott’s script for Issue Two of “Union Jack The Ripper: Blood Hunt” simply consists of the “New York Times bestselling comic writer” demanding artist Kev Walker pencil more and more gore with each passing panel, there’s actually a lot of intriguing interpersonal relationships taking place inside Joseph Chapman’s compromised secret head-quarters. In fact, one of the most enthralling elements of this book comes with the revelation that a master vampire mysteriously known as The Hunger, is actually able to telepathically contact those infected with his undead curse – even one such as Bulldog, who the titular character is desperately trying to find a way to save.

Similarly as well-penned though is arguably the Bristol-born author’s use of poor Edward, who was so tragically chomped to death in this mini-series’ previous instalment. Now undeniably one of the Nosferatu, the fearsomely fanged amateur actor adds tons of flair to this publication’s twenty-page long proceedings, courtesy of some well hammed-up Shakespearean quotes and repartee. Indeed, in some ways it is actually a pity the grotesque ghoul is ultimately torn asunder by Joey’s grisly team-mate, as the blood-drinking brood leader had all the hallmarks of a truly memorable long-term nemesis.

Delightfully, Scott isn’t shy on giving plenty of this comic’s supporting cast some welcome spotlight either, with Alan bravely battling to his last breath so as to buy young Judy some valuable time to get to safety. So noble a sacrifice is genuinely quite moving, and additionally provides the aforementioned Edward with the opportunity to double-down as the ‘villain of the hour’ when he nonchalantly stomps the already dying hero to death; “’Fraid you don’t get any choice in the matter, Matey-Jim.”

Enthusiastically immersing the audience in all this gratuitous, physical mutilation, are Walker’s layouts, which alongside Craig Yeung’s inks and Java Tartaglia’s colours, completely bombard each and every bibliophile’s senses from all angles. True, some of the action sequences, such as Bulldog literally having his eyes gouged out, might be a bit too much for the faint-hearted. But there can be no doubting the lightning fast speed which the vampires can move at, or the deadliness of a well-swung sword blade as it eviscerates any torso foolish enough to get in its way.

 The regular cover art to "UNION JACK THE RIPPER: BLOOD HUNT" #2 by Rod Reis

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